Contents of the journal "Intelligent Systems"
Volume 7, Issues 1-4, 2003
Part 1. General Problems of the Theory of Intelligent Systems
- N.M. Akhmedzhanov, A.V. Zhukotsky, R.G. Oganov, V.B. Kudryavtsev, A.P. Ryzhov, V.V. Rastorguev, A.S. Strogalov.. Information Monitoring in the Problem of Predicting the Risk of Developing Cardiovascular Diseases.
Part 2. Special Issues in the Theory of Intelligent Systems
- Yu. G. Geraskina.. Model of Self-Cleansing of Lung Structures.
- E. E. Egorov.. Clustering on Graphs and the Problem of Optical Correction.
- A. A. Ivanov, A. P. Ryzhov.. Design of Systems on a Chip Using Cadence.
- V. B. Kudryavtsev, Sh. Ushcumlic.. On One Pattern Recognition Problem.
- Yu.A. Kurepa.. Modeling the Behavior of Automata in Mazes.
- D.V. Lebedev.. A Wave Neural Network Model for Path Planning of Cellular Robots in Stationary and Dynamic Multi-Agent Environments.
- E. Medvedeva.. Optimal portfolio of securities.
- S.B. Rodin.. Periodic fragments of images.
- A. Safiullin.. Extreme problems on infinite paths of a graph.
Part 3. Mathematical models
- D.V. Alekseev.. Approximation of Functions of Several Variables by Neural Networks.
- D.N. Babin.. An Algorithm for Completeness of Systems of Automata Functions with a Complete Boolean Part.
- T.D. Blayvas.. An Optimal Solution to the Problem of Interval Search on a Boolean Cube in the Class of Balanced Tree-Type Schemes.
- A.A. Bolotov, S.B. Gashkov, R.A. Khokhlov.. Fast computations in finite fields using standard and optimal normal bases.
- A.V. Galatenko.. On one simple criterion for graph planarity.
- G. Kilibarda, V. Jovovich.. On the number of monotone Boolean functions with a fixed number of lower ones.
- V.N. Kozlov.. On Recognition of Affinely Nonequivalent Three-Dimensional Images.
- Z. Maksimovich.. On Equivalence of Partial Automata.
- A.V. Matveev.. On One Linear Sequential Machine Without Inputs.
- M.N. Nazarov.. Parallel Access to Databases and Boolean Functions.
- M.V. Nosov.. On the Number of Threshold Functions.
- Yu.P. Pytyev.. On Limit Theorems of Possibility Theory.
- A.M. Stepanenkov.. On Linear Complexity Estimates for Testing the Primality of a Number by Homogeneous Structures.
- E.G. Syrkina.. A Simple Proof of the Traversability of Planar Mazes by a Group of Automata.