Contents of the journal "Intelligent Systems"
Volume 3, Issue 3-4, 1998
Part 1. General Problems of the Theory of Intelligent Systems
- A.S. Strogalov, S.G. Shekhovtsov. Thinking, Language, and Intellectual Education.
- A.S. Podkolzin. On Formalization of Methods for Solving Mathematical Problems.
- A.P. Vikulin. On the principles of developing incentives for struggle in team sports.
Part 2. Special issues in the theory of intelligent systems
- V.N. Kozlov. On recognition of affinely different discrete images.
- A.N. Nazarov, D.A. Karandeev. Method for synthesis of a stable estimate of the probability density function.
- E.V. Timofeev. Integration of Facial Expressions Language Means into an Intelligent Human-Machine Interface.
- K.V. Kharin. On One Data Compression Algorithm.
Part 3. Mathematical Models
- E.E. Gasanov. Information-Graph Model of Data Storage and Retrieval.
- A.V. Golovanov. On traversing labyrinths using automata that leave a trace at the vertices of the labyrinth.
- D.V. Golubev. The problem of a Hamiltonian path in a graph with a given dimension of the cycle space.
- A.V. Zhukotsky, A.S. Strogalov, E.M. Kogan, E.A. Nikolaeva, M.P. Anisimov, N.I. Yakubova. On the problem of objectifying cytological diagnostics using optoelectronic systems (morphodensitometric method).
- I. V. Klimov. Behavior of some automata with paint in labyrinths.
- V. A. Nosov. Regularity criterion for a Boolean nonautonomous automaton with a divided input.
- S. B. Presic. m-M calculus.
- B. Stamatovic. Recognition of simply connected digits by an automaton.
- B. Thalheim. Overview of Semantic Constraints for Database Models.