Intellektual'nye Sistemy.
Teoriya i Prilozheniya
(Intelligent Systems.
Theory and Applications)

Dear users! This form provides an opportunity to send your article to consider the possibility of its publication in the journal. For correct file generation, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The article must be zipped in .zip along with all images and connected documents;
  2. The main TeX file must be called main.tex;
  3. Text files must be in UTF-8 encoding;
  4. An abstract for the article (together with keywords) should be placed in a separate file annotation_eng.tex;
  5. Information about authors should be placed in a separate file authors.tex;
  6. Full information about authors should be placed in a separate file authors_info.txt. This file must contain the following information: full name, place of work, position, academic degree and title (if any), contact phones (with city and country codes), e-mail, postal address with city code (home or business), for undergraduate and graduate students must indicate the full name of scientific adviser.
  7. It is recommended to use the following LaTeX version when formatting an article: TeX 3.14159265 (TeX Live 2016 / Debian) (Website:


  1. When compiling files, the user preamble will be ignored;
  2. .sty files are not currently supported;
  3. The amsbib.sty package is used to format the bibliography (article with examples of use);
  4. To insert images, use the PGF / TikZ package (detailed instructions, short article).

If you have any problems with sending an article, write to the e-mail irena at

After clicking on "Generate article" download your article by clicking "Download PDF", check that everything is correct and, if everything is correct, click on the button "Send article to the editor".